core beliefs:


* That the Bible is God's Word and the ultimate authority by which we live.

* That salvation is only obtained through accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

   It is through believing in His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead that    we are forgiven of our sins and raised to new life by the power of the Holy Spirit.

* That it is through a total faith commitment to Jesus Christ that we are transformed            through the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can live close to Him and grow to be        more like Him.  In this way we can enjoy lives that are meaningful, satisfying and                productive.

* That worship is our primary response to God's love.  In our services worship is a time of    celebration and life that is spiritually motivated.

* That every believer is an integral part of the body of Christ. Through teaching and              training every believer can be equipped to supply to the rest of the body.

* That every Christian has a commission to "go and preach the Gospel". We believe that        everyone, regardless of ethnic or social background can receive salvation.

* That the church should be a place of relationship; the church should be a loving and          caring community of people dedicated to strengthen one another.

* That the church is a place of vision and that each believer's personal dream can best be    fulfilled by first helping to fulfill the corporate vision of the house of God.

* That we are a part of the worldwide church of Jesus Christ, and seek to fellowship and      build relationships with others in the body of Christ.

* That every Christian is gifted by God with personality, talents and physical resources          which are to be used to further God's kingdom in guiding, helping and encouraging            others.

* That leadership development is essential for growth and multiplication of the church.

* That the church should be a reflection of the community in which it lives: a multi-              cultural, multi-racial church that is a testimony to our community.

"Let your light so shine ...for the world to see"